I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling...Stressed Out, Underfed, and On the Verge of a Temper Tantrum

     Do you ever get so stressed out to the point that you literally forget to eat? That really probably just is me, but when I get to going on something and I'm on a roll, I don't stop for anything. Not even a granola bar. College is a HUGE transition and high school did not prepare me for this at all. Not even a little bit, no offense to my high school, but I'm just being honest here. I've gathered a list of struggles I've encountered in my first month of college. Maybe you can relate, maybe you'll get a nice laugh, or maybe you just like to see me struggle. No matter your reasoning for reading this; here the are.

1. THE FOOD......
I don't think I can rant about this enough. My mom (and my loans) pay way too much for me to be eating mystery meat every night. I will say that the salad bar is nice, the waffle maker is cool, and the fries are bearable with enough buffalo sauce and salt to cover the cardboard taste. However, when the salad bar has no lettuce...the waffle maker has no mix...and the buffalo sauce is empty...what do you do? Well, to no surprise, I eat their tomato filled pizza every day and I can swallow it without a flinch. When I go to the make your own pasta bar, I like to imagine that I'm at Genghis Grill, even though I'm not and I'm reminded of that when I sit down to eat my pasta. I don't know where our cafeteria gets their cookies from, but whew I could eat a plate full. No exaggeration, I've done it (because in college you don't have parents that scold you for these actions). I've heard horror stories about the food from college cafeterias and if you graduate college without receiving food poisoning from the cafeteria at least once then you deserve to graduate with distinction.

You know in high school when your teacher would talk to you for half the class period about how they're preparing you for college and that's why they're so strict on you? Don't listen to them. They're lying. They are not preparing you for college at all. They spoon feed you to the max. In college, you don't get handouts, PowerPoints only consist of pictures, professors don't write on the board, if there is an in-class reading assignment, you should print it before class, the list continues. I am a type of learner that has to see something written down and write it down myself. I don't know if anyone else is that way, but that doesn't happen in college. All professors do is talk, so you better hope they have a nice voice, because if not, you're in for a treat. I'm not trying to trash talk high school teachers or professors. Just saying.

Moment of silence for the bank accounts that are suffering right now due to buying textbooks. Renting is always cool, but only when it's an option. This is probably one of the worst things about college. I can't even begin to explain....ugh....bfoobmfdbfdmobf....yeah

Bring your own printer to college. This is not a drill. I don't care how expensive ink is or the fact that you have to buy your own paper, but they charge you for printing in college. Well, kinda. We have a set amount for the semester, but I'm already running low (refer back to the statement about how professors don't print anything off for you). Not to mention waking up even earlier for class so you have time to stop by the library makes it even worse.

I can't complain too much on this subject, because our campus is fairly small compared to others. However, it really sucks when you're in class minding your own business and you look out the window to discover a monsoon has taken place and you left your rain jacket in your room. If you think walking across high school is bad in the rain...just wait...

Okay....I thought it was a bunch of guys that turned their dorm room into a basketball court...it's girls. 4 girls that have a basketball court, or a wrestling mat, you choose. Either way, I don't appreciate their loud bangs and screams and laughs and sliding of furniture and the doors slamming and the toilet flushing and everything else that goes on up there because I can hear it all. So shout out to you, ladies, for having a great college experience (I'm sure) but I'm just wondering...do you have class? And if so, what time? Because my alarm clock and your noise aren't agreeing with each other. I hate to be the person that files a noise complaint...but...really.

Okay. This is not a joke. One of my professors said, if we didn't have a picture of us in the hospital getting treated for something, then our absence is not excused and we will not be able to make up any work that is missed. So, you better stock up of picture of you in the hospital, because apparently they come in handy.

Now, I really can't complain too much about this one considering I put in a request for a new bed one day, and the next day I came back from class with a new mattress. Cool. However, the fact that our shower floods as much as the after math of a hurricane is a problem. Also, before you leave for college, make sure you know how to plunge a toilet. And make sure you bring a toilet plunger. Trust me, you'll need it.

9. $$$$$$
So, I'm from a public school, and I loved my school, and my school was free. I took advantage of that. OMG. The fact that 3 months ago I was raising my hand asking to go to the bathroom, and now I'm already in debt. This isn't a joke. I really don't understand. I love the environment and everything it does for me, however, I do not love the green free that is tacked on my tuition. You'd think that professors get paid well after seeing your tuition bill, but what some of my professors wear...man...I'm not even going to go there. Anyway, college is expensive. Apply for scholarships. Every single one that you can apply for, no exceptions.

If you think that boys mature in college and that they suddenly know how to talk to girls, flirt, and keep a conversation going...you're wrong. Don't get your hopes up. I will admit, their looks definitely mature and they are very nice looking young men walking around campus, majority of them don't know how to say, "Hi." Don't get a Tinder, not even as a joke, because somehow your mom will find out and she will ask you and you won't know how to explain the situation. Basically, boys still suck. Nothing has changed there.

I hope you either got a laugh, understood where I was coming from, or enjoyed the struggles that I've been facing at college.

DISCLAIMER: Mom & Dad, thank you so much for paying for most of my college. I will never be able to repay you for this amazing thing you're doing for me. Please don't think all I have to do is complain, because that's not the case. I will write about the amazing things about college soon, just for you, so you can see that you're money is worth it. Thank you so much for the meal plan that you got me, but we know for next semester, and that's okay!! I love you very much and thank you so much for helping me achieve my goals and reach my dreams.


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