Let's Have a Chat & Clear Things Up

Please do not stereotype me, do not belittle me, do not assume things about me because I am in a sorority. Honestly, this is a serious issue and it happens way too much, so I think it's time I clear some things up for those you that may not understand.

Earlier today, I posted on YikYak (an app used at most colleges that allows people to post anonymously and receive anonymous responses) and asked, "When you think of a sorority girl, what first comes to mind?" I'm ashamed to talk about the responses, most of them being too vulgar to even consume.

Then, I decided to Google, "Sorority Stereotypes" and now all I have is regrets of this action, because of a website I stumbled across. This website literally had a diagram that explained the stereotypes of each sorority. I am baffled, did the creator of this website visit each sorority and every chapter and spend enough time with them in order to make these assumptions? NO.

1. I pay for my friends.
 First of all, if I am paying for my friends, I am getting my money's worth. Honestly, the friendships that I have made through my sorority are priceless. In case you're wondering, I do pay monthly fees, however they do not go towards my friendships. Friendships take effort, I don’t gain a new friend every time I pay my dues. Just because I’m in a sorority doesn’t mean I’m super close to every single one of them, but they are my sisters. These dues go towards the chapter's operation, facilities, sisterhood activities, and philanthropy events. Seriously, if I were to pay for a quarter of the girls in my sorority to be my friend, I would be paying way more.

 .............Thanks Legally Blonde, not really, but.....sorta. Don’t get me wrong, I love that movie, but it doesn’t give sororties the best reputation. We are not in college to get our "MRS." degree, that's for sure. Did you know that sororities have GPA requirements and if we don't meet that required GPA, we get penalized? It's true. Not to mention, the study hours we have to log weekly! Also, we have academic mentors who are there to keep us on track and motivate us out when we need it. Fact: there is someone within the sorority that is over all of the academics. We value her, even when she brings bad news because we know she's just trying to help us out.
3. "I just wanna party!"
   I will admit, I have attended a party since I have been in college. However, I have not taken a drink of alcohol or made any decisions I regret. I have control over myself, just like other girls! Is that a shocker? It shouldn't be. I have morals and values and I'm not willing to lose these things over a party or some college fun. Not only that, but I go to look after my other friends, friends that aren't even in my sorority. But have you ever thought about the fact that about the same amount of non-greeks go to parties as people affiliated with greek like? It's true. I watch what they drink, who they're around, and make sure that get home safely. Yes, we do have mixers, date parties, and formals but there are rules that have to be followed at these events. Speaking of rules, if you ever attend a Frat party, you'll notice that they have people standing around the exit to make sure that you're okay to drive, they will get you a designated driver if needed, and they'll let you cry on their shoulder. Just putting that out there.
This is actually me on the weekend - sober

4. We are so "easy" and we "get around."
  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is the funniest one I've ever heard. I'd like everyone to know that girls that are in sororities are capable of maintaining a stable relationship. We know how to say no, and we are aware of what we get ourselves into. I could say so much more on this topic, but if you'd like to know my thoughts, e-mail me or something.

5. "I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie World."
   We are not all tall and blonde, we don't have the perfect bodies, and we don't always wear mascara. We are not all girly girls, and we don't all love Lilly. We don't all love monograms, pink, and pearls. Personally, I don't own any Lilly, and my pearls are probably from Claire's. Guess what? I really don't care. What's awesome about my sisters is that they accept me for who I am. We like Nike shorts, t-shirts, and Chacos. We like sports, in fact some of us play sports. Our nails aren't always painted and we don't always wear heels. Just saying.
      I mean, look at all the beautiful girls in my pledge class, but I don’t see any Barbie dolls.

6. "Sorority girls aren't likely to have a successful future."
   Oh really? Last time I checked, sororities offer countless opportunities to serve as a leader. Not only that, but my sorority offers me connections in the real-world. Did I mention that girls in sororities are more likely to graduate than those who aren't? Yeah, we have something that motivates us and holds us to a higher standard. I would love to make my sisters proud of whatever I become one day.
Greeks are more likely to finish college. Belonging to a fraternity or sorority increases one’s chances of completing a degree, with 71% of Greeks graduating versus 50% of non-Greeks. - Elite Daily

7. I don't do anything for other people because I'm too busy thinking about myself.
   Wanna know something that's going to blow your mind? We have these things called "philanthropies." What is philanthropy? The Greeks defined it as, "love for humanity." In other words, charity and fundraising. Often times, sororities will get involved with something that is local so they can go work hands-on with whatever they're working to raise awareness for. Let's not forget about the mandatory volunteer hours I have to receive each semester.
The National Panhellenic Conference reports that during the 2013-2014 school year: 977,567 hours donated to community service efforts & $5,793,394.84 raised for philanthropies.

8. Sorority is my life 24/7
  I love my sorority and all it has to offer me, however I am involved in other things on campus. I am aware there are other opportunities to make friends outside of my sorority. There are girls who juggle sorority, a job, an internship, and being a student - it's a struggle, but it's manageable. If you think that greek life is the only thing I'm aware of, you're wrong.

9. We're basically all robots and we're all the same.
 Don't you think it'd be kind of weird (and loud) if there were 200(ish) Bridgett's running around at a sisterhood event? I imagine that as pure chaos.You’re right, sometimes we plan to match and we own the same clothing items, that means nothing. Yes, we do share similar interests but I'm sure you have similar interests with your friends! We are all different, but we all work together and get along. Some of us are quiet, and then some of us (like me) are loud. It's a nice mix.

What I'm trying to say here is that when I state that I'm in a sorority, I don't want to hear that disappointed "Oh." While some people create bad reputations, we are not all the same, even within our own sorority. I love my sisters and I can't imagine life without them. They are there to lift me up when I've had an awful day, or listen to me brag about the most perfect day. My sisters have my back and I have their shoulder to cry on when needed. My sisters see the potential I hold and they continue to remind me of that when I seem to forget.

Please take a moment and check out this amazing photo series a girl did at her school with people involved in greek life: http://aplus.com/a/sororities-fraternities-greek-life-we-are-not-stereotypes-york


  1. Very well said and very proud that my daughter is a part of your Pledge class!!


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