Look Ma, No Hands! // Transitioning from High School to College

Wise words from my roommates:
-"College is crap" (She used a different word but...use your imagination.)
-"College is freaking amazing!" (She actually used those words.)

1. One hour breaks are from hell
    So you have a class 9-9:50, and then a break from 10-11, naps become very tempting, however homework is far more important. While breaks are amazing, it's not enough time to get hardcore into my homework, but it's the perfect time to answer some review questions or look at some vocabulary. (I'm not as much of a nerd as this post will make me sound) The breaks throughout your day will add up and eventually take up half your day.

2. Roommates?!!?!!
    I always imagined college to be like a sleepover every night. Honestly, in my particular case, it is. I can't help it, but movie nights are an often occurrance. Dance parties happen every night, 5 times a night. Study parties don't involve much studying at midnight. There is always someone there to cry with, eat with, and tell you when you need to change because that skirt isn't doing you any favors. Moral of the story: roommates are the best and worst things to come from college.

    Did you ever get that chanted to you in high school? Well, you don't have to worry about that in college. If we're being honest, people just don't care what year you are, and that information can be confusing due to credit transfers and so on. However, if you start acting like a freshman be prepared to get treated like a freshman.

4. Studying is my liiiiife
    With my sorority I'm required to get 10 study hours a week, however I get that times 500. I'm not kidding, half of my time in the week is spent studying. If you're in high school and you're reading this, be prepared. Right now you're probably breezing through without reading your textbooks and living life like it's a dream; you're in for a rude awakening. Studying is an essential part of my daily life and it's incomplete if I don't look at flashcards.

5. My roommates would probably ground me if they could.
    Basically, when you move out you don't have parents to keep you on the right track. I don't have anyone to remind me to eat, go to sleep, or ground me when I get an attitude. That being said, the sassiness of Bridgett Church has increased, and that is a problem. But the first step is admittance. Anyway, you don't have anyone to stop you from going out on Thursday night or any of that. Be prepared to have freedom. Although freedom is nice, it is all tempting.


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