A Thank You Letter To My Lovely Siblings // From Their Annoying Little Sister
First of all, I’d like to thank both of you for putting up with me. Thanks for being mom and dad’s personal guinea pigs so they knew what they were doing when they got around to me. I know the sibling thing hasn’t always been easy, and we go through our rough patches, but I know you two will always be there for me and have my back. Though you two convinced me I was adopted a time or two, I know the truth. Thanks for protecting me, questioning me, and loving me.
Dearest Darling Sister,
- Thanks for the countless Saito dates.
Honestly, I will never be able to repay you for the amount of times you took me to Saito and then a trip to Target for ICEES after. I’m beyond grateful that you are as addicted as I am and that we have the same sushi preference.
- Thanks for yelling at me - all the time.
No one can snap me back into reality like you can because you aren’t afraid to tell it like it is. You don’t hesitate to call me an ungrateful brat when I fit the part. We have had our fair share of arguments that closely resemble a World War, but we work it out, or forget about it. You made me realize that my “I’m sorry,” comments aren’t always sincere and you notice when they aren’t. You may hold grudges, but it’s prepared me for the real world. I now understand that taking someone’s clothes without asking is not okay.
- Thanks for all of the clothes you’ve provided me over the years.
Whenever I get compliments on an outfit, it most likely came from you, but I don’t tell people that. Thanks for giving me bags at a time of clothes to look through; thanks for never asking for money for them either. Thanks for having a good sense of fashion so I had someone to look up to when it came to all things clothes.
- Thanks for being a great example.
I understand that you have your moments, we all do, but you learn from them, and so do I. While there are some things in life that I need to learn on my own, I had you to watch and learn what’s good versus bad. You treat mom and dad with respect and your love for others is enormous, I look up to that. Thanks for teaching me that being in school for a long time is not fun and that I need to have an idea of what I’m doing with my life. It may have taken you a while to figure things out, but you did it; and that’s what matters.
- Thanks for being my personal makeup artist.
It didn’t start with my junior year of prom. It started when I was in elementary school and I begged you to do my makeup. When I had friends come over, I wanted you to do all of our makeup. I know it consisted of blue eyeshadow, pink lip gloss, and maybe some blush, but you took the time out of your day to make mine.
Dearest Darling Brother,
- Thanks for constantly reminding me of my embarrassing moments.
If you know my family and you haven’t heard the story about me peeing on our couch, then you probably haven’t met my brother. No one leaves my house with my brother being present without learning about the time I peed on our couch. Story time: When I was in 6th grade I met, who came to be, my brother-in-law. (Great guy). Anyway, we were playing a solid, and intense, game of Apples to Apples. It was the first time I met this guy, and he thought he won the game so he started dancing around our living room like he was the man of the hour. (He always thinks he’s the man of the hour). I started laughing so hard that I peed my pants on our couch. No big deal, I’d just run into the dining room and plot how I was going to fix this issue. What I didn’t realize was that in order to get to my room and change I’d have to go back through the living room. While I was in the dining room contemplating my life choices, someone noticed the couch was...damp...wet. Anyway, I decided it would be a great idea to blame on the dog, who was outside at the moment. As I’m sure you can figure out, I was busted. Don’t worry, we have a new couch. Story time, over. So thanks Sterling, for never letting me live that one down.
- Thanks for helping me face my fears.
Let’s be honest, I’m always trying to impress you. I try to listen to the music you like, go to places you go, meet people you know, etc. While some may not understand why I’d like to be like my brother, I know why. In my eyes, you’re fearless. (Except when it comes to planes. I know your secret fear). If we were hiking and you went one rock higher, I’d want to go one rock higher, even if I think I’m about to pee my pants.
- Thanks for paving a path for me.
If you did theatre, I did theatre. You taught me what there was to love (and hate) about the stage and caused me to get addicted to it. You taught me that Forensics wasn’t just from CSI, but it’s actually a serious speech & debate thing. You helped me realize that everyone isn’t good at sports, but everyone is good at something.
- Thanks for being a dream chaser.
If anyone chases dreams like there’s no tomorrow, it’s you. You wanted to live in Chattanooga? You earned the money and moved to Chattanooga. People tell you that you can’t do anything with a Musical Theatre degree? You get a Musical Theatre degree. Mom puts you down for a nap? You escape and someone brings you to the front porch. You can’t be held down. You have taught me that it’s okay to take risks sometimes.
- Thanks for being you.
Dude, you are different. And let me tell you, I will snap at anyone who dares to call you weird. You’re not weird; you’re one of the coolest people I know. But what I like most about you is that you don’t care what other people think. You never match, but who cares? That’s just how you are. Don’t worry, I know you were wearing cutoff jeans shorts before it was cool. I know you like sloths before they became a trend. I know you liked Mumford & Sons before they hit the Top 100 list. I know you are NOT a hipster. You are just, you.
Dearest Darling Brother-In-Law,
Thanks for dealing with Raven. I know it isn’t always easy, but you manage. (I’m kidding, Raven). Thanks for not abandoning our family when you married her; thanks for always coming around. Thanks for managing to fit in with my family, we’re a wild bunch, but you fit perfectly. Thanks for the great college advice you never hesitate to give me. And thanks for laughing at my awful jokes. But at the same time, thanks for constantly making me laugh. You always know how to lighten up the mood and put a smile on everyone’s face. Thanks for loving Raven and taking good care of her, we’ll keep you around.
Even though I’m the annoying little sister that had a bad habit of tattle taling, I know you two love me. I hope you know that I love you, too. Raven, I’m sorry that I forget to call you once a week, I’m busy thinking about all the things I should thank you for. Sterling, I know I don’t thank you enough for all the things you do for me and how much you love me, but I should. Even though you two always remind me that I was the “accident child” I know life wouldn’t be the same if I weren’t around and you wouldn’t have someone to lock in the dog cage and laugh at. (Yes mom, it happened, ask Sterling). Because you two, I never had to go into anything blindly. You both paved a way for me and taught me that everything was going to be okay. I have always wanted to be the perfect mix of you two; I look up to both of you. I couldn’t have asked for better people to have around.

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