I Should Be Studying, But I'll Write About Studying Instead #DEATHWEEK
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment. Why you may ask? Only because I have 5 finals this week and I don’t know how to deal with myself most of the time. Either way, this is how I’m managing to keep my head on my body this week.
Me right now - very low key |
Basically every college student’s best friend during finals week. Thank you UTC for the Starbucks on campus, even if the line is always wrapped around the entire library.

- Music
I have a bad habit of spending more time looking up “Playlists for Studying” than actually studying. With that being said, my playlist for finals was made in advance and I’m not allowed to change it. It may contain Queen, Christmas music, Beyonce, and Justin Bieber, but who cares?
- Note cards are my best friends.
I have started using note cards for everything. Vocabulary, outlines, to-do lists, graphs, you name it, I can put it on a note card. I don’t make them for cheating purposes, though the thought has crossed my mind a time or two. I’ve realized that I am a visual learner and when I’m taking an exam and I have a question I can picture the note card associated with the question. Does that even make sense? Who cares, it works.
- Study Pals
You can either handle having a study buddy, or you can’t. There is no inbetween. The best thing that someone could do is choose a study buddy that you know will keep you on task. If your buddy starts talking about someone’s latest Instagram post, they probably aren’t the best study partner.
- Color Break
Judge me. I color. Wow. All I have to say is, it’s relaxing. If I’ve been studying for an hour and twenty-seven minutes, I deserve to take a break and whip out a coloring book to do. What’s important is that you take breaks. If you study too long your brain literally doesn't function and you won’t retain any of the information you’ve been working on.
- Thinking about my future
This is weird, I’m aware. But if I think about what is ahead of me, in the distant future, it helps me overcome the obstacle that is standing right in front of me. I have to get through my math final in order to graduate; I have to pass the class, so I might as well work my butt off to do well.
- Turning off my Netflix
This one is just as hard to type as it is to actually do. *Tears* We all think we are masters at the art of double-tasking, but we aren’t. If we study and watch One Tree Hill at the same time we will come out knowing everything that happened in that episode but nothing about the American Government. Facts.
- Munching
Eating helps keep you awake and alert in order to get all your stuff done. I’m sure it’s recommended you eat healthy and that helps even more, but you’re going through a tough time, I get that. Pull out the tub of ice-cream, take the lid off, and go to town. I’m not judging. Eat the whole package of chocolate. You can work it off later if you so desire.
- Working Out
Wow, this is contradicting. I find that doing Yoga helps calm me down. However, Zumba helps me get out all of my energy. They’re both great things to do during the week of finals and I definitely recommend trying it out.
- Breathing
Sometimes you have to remind yourself to just breathe. Take a moment to take a deep breath. Calm your nerves, treat yourself.
Something to Remember:
I know, your scholarship may be relying on these exams and your grade may be on the edge, but there is always more chances. You can take the class again, even if it sucks. You can apply for more scholarships. Your life will go on even if you bomb a final. That is for sure.
How ironic that I happened to right this when I should be studying, so I’ll go back to that now. And now that you read this, you should too.
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This won't be you - I promise. |
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