Starkey Hearing Foundation - So The World May Hear

Philanthropy? A love for humanity. I care about philanthropy because I know it changes lives and has an impact on the world around me. Often times I find that I take things for granted that many people aren’t able to have. One of those is my ability to hear, which is what we, as Delta Zetas, focus on. It’s so easy to go day after day not thinking about everything that we are fortunate enough to have. When I take the time to think about what life would be like if I wasn’t able to hear, I realize how much different it would be. I wouldn’t be able to hear a car honk at me while driving, I wouldn’t be able to hear my mom yell my name when I’m in trouble, and I wouldn’t be able to listen to music. After taking the time to think about these simple things that I’m so used to, I realize how blessed I am and that I want to help give someone else those abilities.
Speech and Hearing has been Delta Zeta’s philanthropy focus since 1954. And it’s been a passion of mine for many years. When I was younger, I volunteered at an Extended School Year program for students with disabilities. One year I was placed with a speech therapist who had students that had trouble speaking, were learning sign language, or used a device that helped demonstrate their thoughts and needs. It was then I had the realization of the fortune I have that I never seem to truly think about. Some people that are affected with hearing loss will never be able to hear their spouse, or even their child. Some people won’t be able to listen to songs on the radio. I’m sure many of us have watched the videos that go viral on the internet of people gaining the ability to hear; it’s those videos that truly warm my heart and make me proud of the philanthropy that I am involved with. Starkey Hearing Foundation began in 1984 when a man had a mission to make an impact on the world by helping people hear. What began in Minnesota, stretched across the United States, and made it’s way around the world. Since being founded, Starkey Hearing Foundation has granted more than 1.8 million hearing aids and care to people in need. Their goal is to pursue a mission with commitment so that future generations can live in a world with more caring and peace. And my plan is to help them achieve that goal.
I don’t believe in philanthropy because it makes me look like a better person, I believe in philanthropy because of what it does for other people, it helps them. Philanthropy helps better the world that I am surrounded by, the world I live in. In 2015, Delta Zeta, on a national level, pledged to raise $5 million for Starkey Hearing Foundation within the next 5 years. We are supporting their mission to make the world hear. No donation is too big or too small, it’s all going to the same place. For more information, visit the links below.
“Alone we can’t do much, together we can change the world.”

visit this link to donate to my personal goal of $100

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