College - As Told By Puppies

They do it better than I could...

Sometimes you just can't afford take what you can get
When you hear "free stuff"
When you thought you made an A on the exam, but you actually got an F
"I...I'm just gonna...I'm just gonna nap right here."
When your professors are literally dragging you. 
When your roommate touches your food

When you really can't figure out how you got yourself into a situation
"Me time" is all the time
Asking your parents for money like...
When you hear the word "final"
When a boy says, "You're the only girl I talk to."
When you decide it's time to re-evaluate your life
When you try to convince yourself that you know the material
dog cute puppy exercise treadmill
This pretty much explains the time you've spent in the gym.
"Please just five more minutes"
When you get your first home cooked meal of the year
All you wanna do is cuddle puppies
What do you mean I have responsibilities? 
Sitting in lectures like...
Posing for pictures so Facebook and Instagram think you're thriving in college...
animals fall puppy backflip puppy fail
When you're trying to impress your professors.

dog fail scared fish surprised
Trying new things is not as easy as it seems, okay?
"Can I go home?"
Looking at your bank account like...
Too much coffee? HAHAHAHA
"Mom, I really don't know why my pants won't fit."
When you pass an exam you thought you failed

What's important here is that we, college students, don't lose sight of what is ahead. 


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